What’s the Point? You.
What’s the Point Podcast is a unique resource in the area of men’s mental health. We touch on depression, anxiety and general life situations that men often struggle with. Each episode includes real men, sharing real stories of struggles with mental health and life challenges. What’s the Point Podcast is produced by the Face It Foundation. Face It is a Minneapolis based non-profit that works solely with men to overcome life’s challenges through peer support and free of charge services.
Your Hosts
Mark Meier & Bill Dehkes, Face It Foundation
Mark Wick, Former St. Scholastica Hockey Coach
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Shawn Bergeth - #35
Full room today in the Ardmor Construction Studio as Mark, Bill and the Coach welcome Shawn Bergeth into the Penthouse Soap Company guest hotseat. Shawn shares about struggles early on in life and some very interesting treatments he recently embarked on that has really opened his mind and his soul...but involved some travel!
Listen to "Shawn Bergeth - #35" on Spreaker.
Robert Craig - #34
With the “Coach” out teaching the youth of America about mental health, that gives Mark and Bill plenty of room to stretch out in the Ardmor Construction studio! Having the extra space, we decided to bring Robert Craig in to tell his story. Robert outlines his mental health challenges and has tried many different forms of treatment over the years. Listen in to this week's podcast to see how Robert continues to move forward in his mental health journey.
Listen to "Robert Craig - #34" on Spreaker.
Mark Wick - #33
The “Coach” Mark Wick enters the Ardmor Construction studio and jumps in the hot seat for this episode. Mark shares stories about family, his mental health journey, thoughts of suicide and just how anger contributed to his dismissal from his employment as a head hockey coach. What he is doing these days...is truly inspirational!
Listen to "Mark Wick - #33" on Spreaker.
Bill Dehkes - #32
In the latest episode, the guys turn back in house as Bill Dehkes jumps in the guest chair. Bill goes into details about a challenging childhood that in part led to depression, anxiety, OCD, shame, self-esteem and the feeling of not belonging. Not every day is perfect in Bill’s world...but he is trying!
Listen to "Bill Dehkes - #32" on Spreaker.
Micky Orren - #31
Today's podcast takes a turn back to the younger side. Mickey Orren attends a Face It “20’s Something” group. Mickey shares his journey with shame and anxiety and how he turned many of those feelings around. You will want to hear him discuss what he describes as “Smiling Depression”.
Listen to "Micky Orren - #31" on Spreaker.
Ryan Moravetz- #30
Today we hear one of the most tragic and powerful story ever told on the “What’s the Point” Podcast. Ryan Moravetz joins the guys in the Ardmor Construction studios to discuss two life altering events, one heartbreaking and one that turned his life around. You want to make time to listen to this one!
Listen to "Ryan Moravetz- #30" on Spreaker.
Mark Meier - #29
A VERY SPECIAL guest in the Ardmor Construction studio today...Mr. Mark Meier. Numerous people have emailed us telling each of the hosts to get in the “Hot Seat”. Meier is the first one the guys to share stories and feelings that really allow the listeners to understand his journey that led him to launch the Face It Foundation.
Listen to "Mark Meier - #29" on Spreaker.
Art Lundgren - #28
It is Art Lundgren’s time in the Ardmore Construction studio! Art openly talks about depression, anxiety and shame in a way that many of us can relate to. A divorced, recovering alcoholic that has faced so many challenges, shares what he does to keep his life heading forward.
Listen to "Art Lundgren - #28" on Spreaker.
Matthew Schrad - #27
Matthew Shrad enters the Ardmore Studios today. Matthew has been with Face It for a few years and has certainly come a long way. Matthew shares some real life stories about living with shame and how not feeling good enough affected his life. Matthew’s life looks a bit different today, you will love to hear his passion to help young men with their mental health struggles. We are lucky to have Matthew at Face It.
Listen to "Matthew Schrad - #27" on Spreaker.
Chris Hvinden - #26
Our friend Chris Hvinden joins the podcast today. Chris shares plenty of stories about family life, time in the military, homelessness and addiction. Even with all these challenges, Chris has turned into a shining light in a rather dark world for our local veterans. He really is an inspiration!
Listen to "Chris Hvinden - #26" on Spreaker.
Gratitude - #25
We all have a lot to be grateful for...but sometimes we get caught up in life that we forget about all the wonderful things in our lives. No guest today but the boys discuss how important it is to spend time reminding ourselves of what we are grateful for. Listen in to learn a quick tip called the “ABC’s of Gratitude”.
Listen to "Gratitude - #25" on Spreaker.
Chad and Amanda Glader - #24
Today, we are joined by Chad Glader. Chad has been participating at Face it for a while now. He is on to talk about his journey with depression, anxiety and the rest that life can throw at us. This episode has a unique twist...Chad’s wife Amanda sits in to share what it is like being married to someone with depression.
Listen to "Chad and Amanda Glader - #24" on Spreaker.
Physical vs Mental Health - #23
In today’s episode, the guys talk about the relationship between our Physical and mental health. We chat how if we don’t exercise and focus on our physical health that our mood and the way we view ourselves can certainly be affected. Mark, Bill and Mark each share some tips and tricks that have worked for them in keeping their mental and physical health aligned.
Listen to "Physical vs Mental Health - #23" on Spreaker.
Steve Silverman - #22
Today, the boys are lucky enough to be joined by current Face It member Steve Silverman. Steve opens up about how his life has been affected by depression and anxiety. Steve shares his stories about relationships, children, and career choices. Again, Steve's story has so many common threads in them that we have heard from so many men. Listen in and see if you can relate.
Listen to "Steve Silverman - #22" on Spreaker.
Shame - #21
Today, Mark, Bill, and the coach talk about shame and the role it plays in their lives. Maybe you don't think shame plays a role in your life...listen to the guys today and you might hear some things that could change your mind. We can't move forward in our lives until we FACE IT!
Listen to "Shame - #21" on Spreaker.
Shane Weinand - #20
The guys are “Coachless” today! Mr. Wick is taking some much deserved time off so Bill and Mark Meier have to try to fill the void. The guys are joined by Shane Weinand, who shares life stories about depression, poor decisions, shame and recovery. Shane has an amazing journey of very low points to putting in the hard work to turn his life in a more positive direction.
Listen to "Shane Weinand - #20" on Spreaker.
What Are We Avoiding? - #19
Most of us have things in our lives that we are avoiding. Maybe it’s doctor visits, difficult conversation or confronting someone....we all do it! In todays episode, the guys chat about things they each have been avoiding to face and the problems that caused. We also have a new feature....”Email of the Week”.
Listen to "What Are We Avoiding? - #19" on Spreaker.
Ben Steinbach - #18
Ben Steinbach joins the crew today. On the younger side, Ben shares stories of anxiety, shame and just not feeling good enough...stuff that many of us can relate to. Please give a listen and see if any of Ben’s stories sound familiar.
Listen to "Ben Steinbach - #18" on Spreaker.
Why Face It - #17
Since the start of our podcast, we have received many comments asking about Face It. We refer to Face It a lot, our groups and other activities in most episodes. We thought it was a good idea to take a deeper dive into what is the Face It Foundation! Listen in to hear all about the 100% FREE services that Face It has to offer men that are struggling.
Listen to "Why Face It - #17" on Spreaker.
Josh Marquart - #16
Josh Marquart drops by the studio today. Josh takes us a through a tale of trying to live a life with depression and shame. Being open and honest can be very difficult and Josh lays out his struggles in ways we can all relate to.
Listen to "Josh Marquart - #16" on Spreaker.
Dan Foley - #15
Dan Foley joins the boys today. Dan first came through the doors of Face It in 2012.
Dan shares how anxiety and depression affected himself, his role as an elementary school teacher and the lives of his wife and children.
Listen to "Dan Foley - #15" on Spreaker.
Military Mental Health - #14
Another FIRST for the “What’s the Point Podcast”...Dave Peters joins the guys for a second time. Dave was in previously to share his mental health journey. Today, Dave as a 16 year military veteran, shares his thoughts and insights on Military mental health and veteran suicides.
Listen to "Military Mental Health - #14" on Spreaker.
Let It Go - #13
No guests today, just the boys. This episode is about the fact that we all have things we need to “Let Go” of. We hold on to some thoughts and feelings that impact us in a negative way. Bill shares a difficult story about something that he has been holding on to for decades...and how he “Let it Go”.
Listen to "Let It Go - #13" on Spreaker.
Kaitlin Daeges - #12
Today, the guys are breaking the rules...they actually sit down with Kaitlin Daeges, Executive Director of the LIVIN Foundation...and our first female guest! Kaitlin joins the boys today to share a touching story of her father’s suicide when she was 12 and the impact that had on the family and Kaitlin specifically.
Listen to "Kaitlin Daeges - #12" on Spreaker.
Dave Peters - #11
Today we are joined by Mr. Dave Peters. As a teenager, Dave started to get into trouble, so he turned to the military for direction. Dave talks openly about his childhood, his times during deployments and the mental health that impacted his life in a way that it led him to attempt to take his own life. Listen to what pushed Dave into a direction of helping others.
Listen to "Dave Peters - #11" on Spreaker.
Financial Stress and Mental Health - #10
In today’s episode, the boys talk about stress, especially related to financial issues. Whether it is a job loss, too many bills, college tuition or worrying about retirement. It all can lead to stress, anxiety and much more. We talk about the important of being honest about your situation and using your communication skills. If money can be a point of worry for you, you will want to listen to today’s podcast.
Listen to "Financial Stress and Mental Health - #10" on Spreaker.
Paul Martin - #9
Mark, Bill and the coach are joined by Paul Martin. Paul graduated from Elk River High School the same year he was selected “Mr. Hockey”. He went on to win two NCAA Hockey titles with the Minnesota Golden Gophers and recently concluded a 15 year career in the National Hockey League. It sure seemed like Paul had everything he could have ever wanted, but that wasn’t the case. Hear Paul talk about his struggles with depression and what he has done to turn his life in a more positive direction.
Listen to "Paul Martin - #9" on Spreaker.
Mike Beardsley - #8
Mike Beardsley is our first guest that does not attend a regular meeting at Face It. With that said, Mike shares an incredible story of childhood drama and how it affected him and his family as he grew older. Mike has traveled around the Midwest with Mark and Bill, giving a presentation called “Real Men, Real Stories”.
Listen to "Mike Beardsley - #8" on Spreaker.
Listener Questions - #7
The “Coach” Mark Wick, along with Bill and Mark Meier answer a variety of listener submitted questions and topics. All three men offer their thoughts on some very common questions as well as some unique ones as well.
Listen to "Listener Questions - #7" on Spreaker.
Jonah Scholen - #6
Jonah Scholen joins the guys in this week’s episode. Jonah shares a gripping story of depression, anxiety and rage and how those three things affected his work and home life. Jonah has a great message that he would give to his former struggling self.
Listen to "Jonah Scholen - #6" on Spreaker.
Pat Donnelly - #5
Pat Donnelly joins Mark, Bill and the coach to talk about his struggles with depression and anxiety. Pat is a writer by trade, his written words that were published in the Star Tribune newspaper in 2017 about his journey has had a profound impact on many of the men that have come through the doors at the Face It Foundation.
Listen to "Pat Donnelly - #5" on Spreaker.
It's Our Journey - #4
No guest this week. Mark, Bill, and the coach describe what depression feels like and the things we have all done to get our lives moving in the right direction.
Listen to "It's Our Journey - #4" on Spreaker.
Kevin Cassidy - #3
Today’s guest is Kevin Cassidy. Kevin, a 32 year old man will share a compelling story of a mental health journey that started at a young age, through college and into adulthood. His drive for himself and compassion for others is truly inspirational.
Listen to "Kevin Cassidy - #3" on Spreaker.
Brian Murphy - #2
In today’s episode, Mark and the guys are joined by Brian Murphy. Brian, a former columnist with the St. Paul Pioneer Press and radio personality, will share his struggles with depression and his road to recovery.
Listen to "Brian Murphy - #2" on Spreaker.
Pilot Episode
In this pilot episode, meet Mark Meier, Bill Dehkes and Mark Wick. Hear their stories and what they hope to come out of this one of a kind podcast.